Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Mamma Mia!

Each time I hear an ABBA song, doesn't matter which one, i remember of a trip my mom, brother, sister and her friend took to visit my dad who was working in a mine in New Mexico. We drove from Green River, Utah the whole time listening to ABBA.
My older sister was in town visiting last week and so we took mom to see Mamma Mia! As we were walking out I told her how ABBA always reminds me of that trip and she about fell over because she was thinking the same thing. It gave me a warm fuzzy to know that we share that memory. I have to say that my older sister and brother have always had a huge influence on the music i listen to. My brother is twelve years older and sister is almost ten and i have always enjoyed listening to "their music". I remember being excited and also jealous of them when they would travel to Salt Lake to camp out for tickets and go to the arena shows. My brother had the coolest Def Leppard sleeveless shirt of the British flag and a shirt that said, Love At First Sting with a scorpion on it. Oh, and Ingrid when you were gone I used to dance around in you Loverboy headband.

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