Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Aye Caramba! Forgot to Post Our Mexican Getaway

A few weeks ago Taro and I jetted off to Mexico to attend a dear friends wedding in Cancun.  Planning for this trip has been very stressful for me. One, because our dear friend is known to me as the Playboy and Eternal Bachelor.  That is until I met his beautiful bride.  
My mom came all the way over from Chile to watch Reagan while we were gone.  Honestly she is the only person I trust Reagan with for that long of time and for those many miles apart.  According to her Reagan was an absolute doll but Henry was the one that gave her the most grief.  Next time we will kennel the beast!
Our trip was spent hotel hopping and visiting Cancun, Playa del Carmen and Cozumel and a lot of eating!  BTW- I met my fitness goals and rocked the swimsuit as best I could.

All Aboard!

This years birthday party theme was Thomas and Friends.  Reagan is more than a little nutty for Thomas the Train these days.  The party was held at the Wenatchee Riverfront Railway.  I think all the little people enjoyed the train ride and maybe even some parents.  Of course there was a Thomas pinata and the traditional American Flag birthday cake. Thank you to all that came and for the wonderful cards and gifts that Reagan received.