Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Let's Get Physical!

After a very long hiatus from the gym, I finally went back today. I have been meaning to go back for months but things like skiing and a kid needing a nap have gotten in the way. I prefer to go first thing in the morning, it just sets the day right that way.
Taro and I are going to Cancun at the end of May for a dear friends wedding and I want to rock my swimsuit. That means I'd like to lose about seven pounds and 5% body fat. Ouch! With hard work and determination I think I can do it...I just need to get rid of all the dark chocolate that I have hidden around the house.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sun Mountain Lodge Getaway

This past weekend we loaded up the car and drove to Sun Mountain Lodge where Taro had a Cardiac Conference. This resort is located about 2 hours north in the Methow Valley. While Taro was in his conference on Saturday, Reagan and I set out on the trails and these are the photos that I took. I am so happy that our child loves the snow as much as he does. If he is cranky all you have to say is, mountain, snow or boots and his mood instantly changes. I love it, I hope that never goes away.

I don't like to get my hands dirty

Reagan really enjoys the roasted chicken from Costco. So do I. It is yummy, cheap and easy. The only thing is that i really dislike cutting the meat from the bone/carcass. Grosses me out and I hate nothing more than greasy hands and fingers. I found a wonderful solution to this problem the other day during a visit to Costco. I noticed one of the workers preparing those prepackaged dinners of enchiladas. She had on latex gloves and was ripping and shredding the meat of the bone. GENIUS! So I grabbed a chicken and threw some latex gloves in the cart and came home. The key is to let the chicken cool just a bit, so you don't burn your fingers, before you start tearing off the meat. Don't refrigerate it and leave it for later, you won't get as much meat off that way. Follow these tips and you'll get more for your money and have clean hands left.
I re-heat it by putting the chicken on our Grill/Panini press. Oh, and you bet I am gonna blog about that fine appliance.

I thought about posting pictures but that is just gross.