Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Originally uploaded by SnowPace.

The family and I took a bike ride then went to the park today IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY. I am so blessed to have my husband work from home.
Reagan really likes the swings and the slides but Mama is a huge germ-o-phobe!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Great Minds Think Alike

My sister sent me a picture of her new couch. She has horrible taste. I on the other hand have fantastic taste in couches.

OK, OK, our couch is new and she has only seen it once.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

The one and only time he has ever kept the binky in his mouth

The one and only time he has ever kept the binky in his mouth
Originally uploaded by Haute Momma.

Yep, I have been doing a lot of this on this blog. Life happens. I am slowly getting my life and home in order and soon will have more time to keep this updated. Check back ya'll.