Has anyone read this book? Reagan and I checkout our first books from the library the other day and this was one of our choices. That night Taro read him the book. Afterwards he gave me some details about the book and told me he didn't like reading it to Reagan. At the time I didn't think anything of it. The next night we settled in for a bedtime story and I decided to read him the same story. HOLY CRAP! The man in the yellow hat is a bad, bad man. He kidnaps poor, innocent George from Africa. He lures George out of a tree then puts him in a bag and they get on a ship to the U.S where he plans to take George to a zoo. Once they get to the city, The Man in the Yellow Hat gives George a pipe to smoke after dinner. WTF? George accidentally calls the fire department and then gets taken to jail. Terrible! I need to do a better job of choosing books. Any recommendations?
The currently written george books are great and have none of that stuff in them. My daughter loves George and I found out that the old ones are awful the hard way too!
Some current favorites of hers are:
Muncha, Muncha, Muncha
Clifford books
Chicka, Chicka, Boom Boom
She is two and a half. I am not sure the age of your son because I just stumbled upon your blog tonight, but he seems to be near her age from what I can see. Hope that helps a bit.
Goodnight Little Bear
Danny and the Dinosaur
Little Red Caboose
Owl at Home
The Color Kittens
The Seven Little Postmen
I could go on and on. Everett loves it when we read to him!
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