The Tacoma is gone. I had no idea I would have such a hard time letting go of a vehicle. We listed it on Craigslist and it sold within 48 hours. The first person that came to look at it I overheard him telling his friend how he wanted to make some changes to the body and bumper, NEXT! The second man that came by Taro and I both had a good feeling about him. He just matched the truck, literally. His whole color scheme that day even his hat and boots! I took the truck out for a drive before the buyer came by to pick it up and had a little cry. Ah, I miss it.
My mom came for a visit a few weeks ago. Reagan and I drove to Seattle to pick her up. We had some lunch, went to Nordstrom and got the heck out of the city and came home. Ay, I could never live in a city again. Traffic gives me anxiety! Seriously.
It was incredible having my mama here. She was such an enormous help with Reagan and preparing meals. We took advantage of it her mad cooking skills and froze some meals. mmm
Charquican (made with ground beef!). Everyone knows I am a mama's girl so it was especially hard to say goodbye. We are all hoping that she can come back and stay with Reagan while Taro and I attend a wedding in Mexico this March. Oh, please, please!
Other than that our summer has been pretty quiet and uneventful. Reagan has kept us both very busy. The past few months have been so much fun and entertaining. He actually plays with his toys rather than just putting them in his mouth. He loves bouncy balls and trucks. Such a boy, this one. Garbage day is huge around here. We sit in front of the window or go outside and watch our container full of atomic diapers being dumped into the truck. He loves it.
I have been teaching him sign language and it is really exciting to have him communicate with us. So far he knows eat, drink, bye/ciao, rain (thanks to itsy bitsy spider), sleep (my favorite) and baa baa or milk (or breastmilk if you will). I would tell a funny story about baa baa's and a friend but this friend reads this blog and I would like to keep her as a friend.
I think it is important to mention Reagan's favorite things. Blankies and all things soft. In the morning when he wakes he holds his arms out for us then plops back down, grabs his blankie and demands out! He carries it all over the house and at times will suddenly cuddle with it on the floor for a bit then pop back up and chase us or the cat. He also does this with a stuffed puppy animal. oh, so cute.