Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Reagan's Jungle Safari Party
Last Saturday we held celebrated Reagan's First Birthday Party at a local park. I will admit I went against everything I have ever said about children's parties (especially those who are too young to remember) and went absolutely nuts. I chose Jungle Safari as the theme and had so much fun decorating and finding different items for the party. We even had animal print ballons and a lion pinata!
We had about 15 "little guests" along with their mom's and dads to wish Reagan a happy birthday. Thank you to all of our wonderful friends and family for all the nice cards, phone calls, and gifts.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
My Taro has been gone 16 nights and 17 days. That is 16 times I have had to put Reagan to bed by myself and been woken by him and 17 days I have had to race while eating and showering and keeping Reagan happy. Taro comes home this evening and I couldn't be more happy. Taro and his dad have such an amazing relationship, I've never seen anything like it. The love and respect that the two have for eachother is beautiful and inspiring. The moment we found out we where having a boy my first thought was Taro's dad and I knew that Reagan and Taro would share the same thing. Happy Father's Day, Taro. I love you.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Happy Father's Day to MY Favorite Daddy
Originally uploaded by Haute Momma.
This photo was taken last year about this time. It was so great to have my daddy with us for the first week of Reagan's life. Usually my sister Ingrid hogs all my dads time in that HOT Arizona weather.
I am so blessed to have such wonderful, strong men in my life and it is because of what my dad has taught me. I hope to raise my son in a way that will make him proud. I love and miss you very much, daddy!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
We've Come A Long Way Baby
A year ago this morning my little 8 7.5 oz frog baby came into my life smelling like waffles with yummy maple syrup. He was born around breakfast and that is what the hospital was serving so now I think of his birth when I smell waffles and syrup. Lovely.
This year has been more than tough but the reward has been so great. A wise friend told me that with a baby your life doesn't change, you get a new one. Boy, was she right! I love my new life and wouldn't change it for anything. I have a sidekick that laughs at my funny faces, enjoys my singing and dancing and he loves to shop! What more could a mom ask for? Reagan, you melt my heart.
This year has been more than tough but the reward has been so great. A wise friend told me that with a baby your life doesn't change, you get a new one. Boy, was she right! I love my new life and wouldn't change it for anything. I have a sidekick that laughs at my funny faces, enjoys my singing and dancing and he loves to shop! What more could a mom ask for? Reagan, you melt my heart.
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Happy Birthday Sofia
Today my niece Sofia turns five. I hear that she has really been looking forward to this birthday because apparently five is when you start loosing your teeth. Yeah, I don't think that will last very long.
Reagan and I visited Sofia in April for a few weeks and I am truly amazed at how intelligent she is. She was reading all sorts of books to Reagan, difficult books at that! She sure has a great sense of humor and was a good sport with all my teasing. Happy Birthday Sofia, I love you!
I found this picture in my files and just melted when I saw it. I think it was taken in December of 2004.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
I Have Trick-a-nosis!
Reagan loves, loves his blankets. If I need to distract him or keep him entertained I just throw a blanket where ever I need him to be. He lunges and tackles it and cuddles with it. It is really adorable.
I have been trying to lure him with toys to get him to walk on his own and nothing has worked. Then today I had a brilliant idea and grabbed one of his beloved blankies and wouldn't you know it, his eyes get huge and he takes about five to six steps before falling. I am a genius. He is so going to be walking for his birthday!
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Friday, June 08, 2007
First Steps
My little stinker pinker pumpkin pie took his first steps this morning at the park...on the grass. Reagan was holding on to my leg while I was talking to a friend and maybe he became bored and decided, "hey, I'm outta here" and took three steps before falling on his hands. He did it again once we got home. Ofcourse this has to happen while Taro is out of town.
This year has really gone by so fast and it makes me sad at times. I would do anything to hold his tiny little frog baby body again or have his tiny hand grasp my thumb. I have to remind myself to savor every precious moment.
This year has really gone by so fast and it makes me sad at times. I would do anything to hold his tiny little frog baby body again or have his tiny hand grasp my thumb. I have to remind myself to savor every precious moment.
Happy Birthday Mommy
Thursday, June 07, 2007

This book was chosen for one of my book clubs and I am so glad that it was. It is a true story told and written by two very different men. I don't want to go into detail about it because I think everyone should read it. It's that good.
The next book we will be reading is Barack Obama's Audacity of Hope. I hope I like it.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
I'm Your Boogie Man
Growing up my parents always had the stereo on and I have always loved dancing. I have great memories dancing with my dad while I stood on his feet, swinging to Glen Miller with Toti in the kitchen and going to Funky Town with Ingrid upstairs in her room. Marcos sort of danced while doing air guitar. Does that qualify? I have made it a point to always have music on in the house and I've grown very tired of our collection of CD's so I listen to the local radio station. Husband, we. need. XM. at. home! Reagan has started to kind of sort of dance now. Sometimes it is a bounce a wiggle and while sitting it is a squirm but he only does it when he hears music so I believe he is dancing. His favorite song? Avril Lavigne, Girlfriend.
Guilty Pleasure Flavor of Love:Charm School

What is your guilty pleasure?
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Family Outing
Last week the three of us went for a day hike and broke in our kid carrier backpack. In the three years we have lived here I can't belive we have never visited Ohme Gardens. Beautiful place with gorgeous views of our wonderful town. What an inspiration for our own garden too.
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